If You’re Middle Age You Started Losing Muscle Mass Years Ago

February 14, 2021

If you dialed phone numbers by heart on a rotary phone that was stuck on a wall…

cared for a Pet Rock, and grew a Chia Pet…

had 6 inch high teased bangs lacquered with mousse…

and wore jackets with avocado-sized shoulder pads…

we’ve got a lot in common, including loss of muscle mass.

Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, and it’s why some older peeps lose their independence. 

Sarcopenia may sound like an island in the Mediterranean with turquoise coastlines and secluded coves, but it actually means ‘lack of flesh’. 

Muscles build up until you’re in your 30’s, and then you can lose 3% – 8% of muscle mass each decade through natural degeneration. 

The causes are not completely understood, but are likely multifactorial involving various cells, muscle protein synthesis, hormonal changes, low-grade inflammation, and physical inactivity. 

If you’re gonna be a proactive healthy ager, you must maintain muscle mass and keep muscles strong to avoid the cascade of issues that comes with weakness and frailty.

How to maintain muscle mass or even reverse Sarcopenia?


You need three things:

1. Progressive resistance training

2. Adequate protein intake

3. Rest

When you stress muscles through resistance exercises, they get micro-tears and fiber damage which activate satellite cells. The body fuses the satellite cells and damaged fibers together which results in increased growth.

Protein provides the building blocks for tissue repair. And when you rest, your body repairs muscles, cells and tissues.

That’s why it’s crucial to allow your muscles to recover after strength workouts, and to get good quality sleep.

As you repeat the cycle, your body will adapt, so you’ll need to make the workouts progressively more challenging.


Some fun facts about muscles-

💪 We have more than 600 muscles.

💃🏽 It takes 100 muscles to stand up.

👀 You need a dozen to move your eyes over the words you are reading right now.

🍏 Muscle action moves food through your digestive tract. 

✋ A simple movement of the hand can involve 10 muscles.

👅 Your tongue is a muscle.

Source: The Body: A Guide For Occupants by Bill Bryson

If you don’t strength train, you’re a member of a BIG club- in a survey of over 397,000 adults, only 30% did regular strength training

And strength training is more than grunting it out on machines in a gym (unless that’s your jam, and you can find a safe facility). 


Think workouts with any weighted equipment, stretchy bands, or body weight. And ladies, weight training will not bulk up your muscles.


If you’re new to strength training or haven’t worked out in a while, use common sense when you begin. Start slowly with light resistance, and build up over time until you can use a weight that exhausts your muscles.

Create a reasonable schedule and give yourself proper recovery time between workouts. Consult an online trainer so you learn to work with proper form. Get a doctor’s clearance if needed. 

There are tons of resources online for at-home workouts. Here are a few to get started, but once you’re rolling, commit to a program for training expertise, tracking, and the push (or shove) that you need to work consistently.


I’m a Beginner and Need a Kickstart

Fit Simplify (YouTube)

This resistance band workout for beginners is a great intro for using loop bands. The pace is slow and trainer Marin gives detailed directions about proper form before each circuit. You’ll work out your full body in just 10 minutes. 


Pahla B “You’re Best Middle Aged Fitness Friend” (YouTube)

How to describe Pahla? She’s sparkly, like your upbeat, super positive, chatty friend. Her philosophy is to accept your 50+ body and make peace with your menopause years. Here are a couple of her workouts with light or moderate weights.

Muscle building weight loss workout with hand weights

Simple essential strength training workout for women over 50


How much weight should you lift?

Watch this short video from Fitness with PJ. She explains weight training terms and how much weight you should be lifting.


I Work Out But Mostly Do Cardio

Fitness with PJ (YouTube and website)

PJ, a trainer with decades of experience, targets women 40+. There are loads of workouts on her YouTube channel, and programs including a free 21 day challenge at Fitness with PJ

Her energy is upbeat as she chats about her life and dogs. It’s like working out with a friend, except she’ll boss you around and make you sweat 😂.

PJ’s videos are challenging and easy to follow, with modifications for tough moves. 

This full body dumbbell no repeat workout has lots of different exercises because you do just 1 set of each. 


The Fit Mother Project (YouTube) 

I like this full body workout for women over 50 that engages the entire body with dumbbells. The instructor, Dr. Anthony Balduzzi gives crystal clear directions on proper form. 

He uses a bench in the video, but you can also lay on a mat. I have back pain so I bend my knees whenever I lay down to put less pressure on my lumbar area. If you don’t have dumbbells, use cans or bottles (filled with liquid or sand), but eventually get at least a couple of pairs in different weights.


Maddie of MadFit (YouTube)

MadFit’s huge library of workouts range from weight training to low-impact to dance routines and more. There are beginner videos but IMO they are suited for advanced beginners on up. 

Here are 2 short challenging workouts for the upper and lower body using a full loop pull up band (a thin full circle band) and a wider booty band. Bands are affordable and easy to find online. I have sets of both kinds so I can work with different resistance levels.

12 Minute Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

10 Minute Resistance Band Booty


POPSUGAR Fitness (YouTube)

Perky, perky, perky..the instructors are high energy on this channel. I like that they include someone who does a modified version of moves, which is helpful when you are learning new exercises, and building up strength.

This 30 minute full body strength workout is led by Anna Renderer, a longtime fitness host. 


I Work Out With Weights But Want New Challenges

Gooder Fitness

I discovered Essie, a trainer and Hapkido Black Belt with a background in Applied Functional Science, Animal Flow, TRX and Power Pilates on Instagram @Fitblvd and @Gooderfitness.

Her online training focuses on 3-D movement in different planes and angles. I’m always surprised by the unexpected sequences of her compound exercises. 

Sign up for a free trial of on demand workouts at Gooder Fitness.

@Taralynemerson (Instagram)

Before the Rona, I went to a gym where Instagram influencer @taralynemerson was a trainer. I avoided her TRX (Total Resistance Exercises) classes because they were so frickin’ hard😖.

She puts out tons of free content on her IG if you want to mix up your routine with equipment like a TRX suspension strap, Bosu ball, Balance ball, dumbbells and bands.

7 Different Types of Strength Training

There are several types of strength training from agile to explosive to speed. This Well + Good article will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and try one that’s new. 


If you’re not a fan of weights and bands, or if you’re not diggin’ these trainers, search around.


There are so many modalities I didn’t cover including body weight workouts, fitness apps, and muscle building styles of yoga. 

When we’re young, we get a lot of do-overs.

Like an Etch a Sketch, you can shake things up and start over with a blank slate. But at some point, the board gets worn, the lines are not as precise, and old drawings won’t disappear no matter how hard you pump the board up and down. 

Suddenly, you’re not working with a clean slate anymore.

Now your do-over has baggage attached. 

Whether your baggage is lack of time, an old injury, an aversion to sweat, laziness, or a love of comfort, do whatever you need to do to lighten the load. The longer you wait, the heavier the burden becomes. 


Work with an accountability partner.
Envision yourself 20 years from now. Are you strong or weak?
Baby step it. Start small and build up until workouts are a regular part of your week.
Change your mindset and beliefs about what you’re capable of.
Search until you find the workout you will do consistently.
Commit. Schedule workouts, or better yet, pay for them in advance.

You can stay idle and hope for the best when it comes to health and strength, or you can tilt the odds in your favor by investing in hard work now. 

Your body is meant to move a lot. If you can move your body, you must move your body. Be the priority. Don’t let excuses win.

All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute professional advice, and isn’t a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances. For more details, read our full disclaimer.


  1. A

    These are great recommendations! Thanks especially for turning me on to Pahla!

    • Mimi

      Pahla’s a ray of sunshine, energy and muscle. ❤︎

  2. A

    Also–in the other article, I love the sentiment “My comfort’s more important than your comfort.” AMEN

    • Mimi Ison

      Gotta learn it and live it. ❤︎

  3. Mary

    After reading this older post, I went and watched Pahla’s video on how much weight 40+ women should lift. Then I boasted about how much weights this 58 yo lifts in the comments. 🙂 Yeah, women and heavy weights… naturally.

    Thanks for all the recommendation links!


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